Mobility for the future

Self-driving cars, transportation drones, automated parcel delivery and more. Mobility of the future is expected to become driverless in the next decade. This area is full of specific challenges covered by various courses, ranging from specific software development methodologies, functional safety, real-time processing, heterogeneous architectures, specific high-speed interfaces, AI-based sensor fusion, trajectory planning, and more. Be ready and be where it is needed the most.

Automotive Engineering courses

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Advanced C

02.09.2024. - 20.09.2024.
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Modern C++

02.09.2024. - 20.09.2024.
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Automotive Control Software Testing

23.09.2024. - 11.10.2024.
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Introduction to ISO 26262

23.09.2024. - 11.10.2024.
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Vehicle Networks and Infrastructure

02.09.2024. - 27.09.2024.
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Automotive Software with Adaptive AUTOSAR

23.09.2024. - 11.10.2024.

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