Automotive Software with AUTOSAR

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Automotive Software with AUTOSAR


Learn to develop software for vehicles using the most common framework of today.

The automotive industry and modern vehicles increasingly rely on software to perform the majority of tasks. In this course, you will get introduced to specific software architectures and concepts, such as modularization, virtualization, safety aspects, and compile-time configurations, real-time constraints. Exercises are performed in an AUTOSAR environment, covering basic principles and technical concepts of automotive software components (SWC) and runtime environment (RTE). Data exchange formats and OEM / supplier methodologies and software migration scenarios are analyzed. The course has a high practical dimension with real equipment and tools/frameworks utilized throughout, including DaVinci and MICROSAR. Finally, you will be introduced to concepts with AUTOSAR Adaptive and its future application outlooks.

Course topics:

  • Basic principle and technical concept of automotive software
  • Software components (SWC) and runtime environment (RTE)
  • AUTOSAR basic software concepts (BSW)
  • Data exchange formats and OEM / supplier methodologies
  • Software migration scenarios
  • Tools and stacks, DaVinci, MICROSAR
  • Basic OS understanding; tasks, alarms, events, scalability classes.
  • Software component implementations
  • Communication implementations
  • State management and system services, diagnostics
  • Bus systems (CAN, LIN, FlexRay, Ethernet)
  • AUTOSAR Adaptive, constrasting with classic and examples


Prerequisite: If you are using a company computer, you must obtain approved access to RealVNC software; otherwise, personal computers are recommended.
Software: RealVNC.
Hardware: PC equipped with 8GB of RAM and Intel i7 CPU.
Prior knowledge: Students should have basic knowledge of programming in C language.

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