Now it is possible to really
learn how to make a safe
self-driving car

NIT Academy in the partnership with University of California San Diego Extended Studies department, developed a state-of-the art certificate program in functional safety engineering for automotive and more.

Systems, Functions and Safety

Build up the understanding of system safety and functional safety, and acquire all key terms and fundamental skills.

Safety Analysis Techniques

Learn how to formally analyze for safety, including FMEA, FTA, ETA, HAZOP and other methods, focused on automotive examples and plenty of exercises.

Fault Tolerant Systems

Learn how to design redundant and diverse HW and SW structures to increase the reliability of systems, and how to formally show, through calculations, what you achieved.

Automotive Quality and Project Management

Learn all about QM and ASPICE first-hand from intacs-certified assessors, including all base practices within a safety process which must be followed to pass the audits.

Automotive Functional Safety Standards

Get a deep dive into ISO 26262 and work out your first small safety project. Also get familiar with SOTIF and ISO 21434 as security concerns around software in vehicles arise as well.

Automotive Functional Safety Design

Create your first functional safety concept and technical safety concept for a modern car.

Functional Safety Software

Learn how to write software that is safe and how to apply safety measures in software.

Safety Verification and Validation

Learn how to test and validate your functional safety design and how to create a convincing safety case.

Automotive Functional Safety Capstone Project

Practice functional safety through an exemplary automotive engineering project

Automotive Software with AUTOSAR (classic and adaptive)

Learn to develop software for vehicles using the most common framework of today, and master AUTOSAR architecture, methodology and workflow.

Vehicle Networks and Infrastructure

Get familiar with the communication backbone and communication interfaces of the modern car.

Modern C++

Learn advanced object programming paradigms in C++ variants 11, 14, and 17.

Advanced C

Understand C on a higher level, including its memory handling, optimizations, and advanced constructs.


Systems, Functions and Safety EE-40185 September 1st 2023
October 9th 2023
Fault Tolerant Systems EE-40188 March 13th 2023
Safety Analysis Techniques EE-40189 November 13th 2023
Automotive Quality and Project Management EE-40187 January 8th 2024
Automotive Functional Safety Standards EE-40186 February 12th 2024
Functional Safety Software EE-40193 November 13th 2023
Safety Verification and Validation EE-40192 January 8th 2024
All other trainings and programs See or for schedule updates
Customized trainings for companies and groups Custom content and scheduling can be agreed in a workshop


NIT Academy team is the right partner on your journey to success in the automotive
engineering arena.

Expert instructors

Experienced team of agile industry professionals with PhDs in their fields.

Certified programs

NIT Academy gives courses as a partner of the University of California San Diego and has VDA/intacs certification tracks enabled.

Efficient learning

Master a course area while working in a month’s time.

Modern didactics

We use modern digital materials combined with live, mentored, hands-on work. One of a kind experience!

Custom training paths

Let us talk and craft a training path that best suits you and your teams and create your custom journey.

Learning risk is on us

We will be transparent and take responsibility for your learning outcomes. Not keeping up in class - we will reimburse the cost.

Learn about our Functional Safety for Automotive program


We are proud to be able to serve the automotive industry companies and to be recognized in the
growing community of automotive professionals.

B2B clients

We are a preferred training partner for several distinguished traditional and aspiring automotive companies, such as VW Group, Audi, TTTech, Aptiv and Yazaki.

Certified instructors and consultants

Our instructors have degrees in the required fields with additional formal certification in safety and automotive processes.

1500+ participants

Last year alone we held 72 course instances for more than a thousand engineers.

Two FuSa certificates accredited

We have accredited two formal certificates in functional safety engineering for the automotive industry.

Contact us