Did you ever wonder if Cruise and Baidu would kill us all? After a long and hot summer it’s time to finally meet and talk about the next generation of mobility. We would love to see you at the first LIVE NIT Academy MEETUP - September 7th, 6:30 PM at Prostor (Beogradska 11).
We’ll have a chance to hang out, learn new interesting things, eat great food and, of course, drink. Oh, yeah, also - the topic is HOT HOT HOT and important, so the only one who could handle it is our CEO Milan Bjelica.
Plot twist:
USA (Cruise) and China (Baidu) recently got permits for the first deployment of self-driving taxis in some areas with the safety driver removed from the vehicle.
Is this really the moment we have all been waiting for, when self-driving cars are going to sell massively and hover around our towns?
By using a geek's approach (for those with more expensive tickets: system safety, functional safety, ISO 26262, system reliability calculus, software reliability growth models and fault tolerance principles) we will try to dissect self-driving technologies and answer the key questions: are those safe and when are they going to become ubiquitous?
Because of a lot of interest and limited space, we would like to ask you to fill out our sign up form and reserve your place at this one-of-a-kind event.