Programming with Java vs Kotlin

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Programming with Java vs Kotlin


This course focuses on comparing Java and Kotlin for Android app development, providing insights into the strengths, weaknesses, and practical considerations of each language.

Through a combination of theory, hands-on coding exercises, and real-world examples, students will gain a deep understanding of how Java and Kotlin can be used to build robust, modern Android applications. By the end of the course, students will be equipped to make informed decisions about which language to use for their Android projects.

Course Topics:

  • Introduction to Android Development with Java and Kotlin
  • Building UI with Java and Kotlin
  • Handling User Input and Events
  • Managing Collections and Events
  • Data Management and Persistence
  • Networking and API integration
  • Advanced Topics and Best Practices


Software: Chrome browser.
Hardware: Computer with an Internet connection, working speakers, and microphone.
Prior knowledge: Basic understanding of object-oriented programming concepts. Familiarity with Android app development (preferably using either Java or Kotlin).