Automotive Safety Standards with ISO 26262

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Automotive Safety Standards with ISO 26262


Dive into the specifics of functional safety in automotive on the basis of ISO 26262.

The course participants are familiarized with the typical functional safety standards (generic IEC 61508, machinery IEC 62061 and ISO 13849, and automotive SOTIF – ISO/PAS 21448 and ISO 26262), their genesis, their role, and their applicability in real-world projects. The course gives a foundation for understanding functional safety standards in general and their key concepts, including risk assessment matrices/graphs and safety integrity levels. The specific focus of the course is the automotive functional safety standard ISO 26262, which is examined in detail. The philosophy of the ISO26262 standard, build-up, and process sequences are given. Focus is put on the explanation and interpretation of major parts of the ISO 26262. The lectures are accompanied by a running example with exercises, to highlight and support the application of important parts of this standard, including the practical system decomposition, safety functions definition, risk assessment, and qualification of safety functions with the respected requirements in terms of Automotive Safety Integrity Levels (ASIL).

Course topics:

  • Get an overview and understanding of functional safety definitions, concepts, and summary of relevant standards (generic IEC 61508, machinery IEC 62061 and ISO 13849, and automotive SOTIF – ISO/PAS 21448 and ISO 26262).
  • Understand the lifecycle and mandatory processes of automotive ISO26262 standard: from management, through concept, system, hardware, and software level.
  • Define a functional item on a vehicle level.
  • Perform hazard assessment and risk analysis, establish an ASIL level for an item and perform ASIL decomposition.
  • Perform system and requirements engineering when developing Functional and Technical Safety Concepts.
  • Understand and select appropriate work products while performing the tailoring of the ISO26262 lifecycle.
  • Be able to select appropriate methods on System, Hardware and Software level.
  • Be able to specify, design, implement, and test Software according to ISO 26262 guideliness.
  • Prepare, document, and execute Verification and Validation activities on different levels of integration, and to provide proofs for building the Safety Case.



Hardware: Computer with Internet connection, working speakers and microphone.
Software: Chrome browser.
Prior knowledge: Students should have basic engineering knowledge in either one of the following disciplines: electrical engineering, computer engineering, or mechanical engineering.