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Automotive Functional Safety Capstone Project


Practice functional safety through an exemplary automotive engineering project.

This course represents the finalization of the functional safety engineering education program which was gained through multiple prior courses and is now given in the form of a real-world, exemplary automotive safety project, which would be executed throughout all phases of its lifecycle by the participants on the course. You should apply knowledge from previous courses to a specific problem in an integrated fashion, starting from requirement elicitation, hazard identification and safety assessment, technical and safety concept, system and software architecture and design, basic implementation, testing, verification, and validation. You should apply Relevant standards and tools throughout, and the project should be carefully documented. The project is based on group work with assistance from relevant personnel (engineers, safety experts) from real industry projects in the automotive domain.

Course topics:

  • Setting up a (safety-relevant) project and plan concrete safety-relevant tasks for an interdisciplinary project team
  • Structuring the project systematically
  • Specifing and defining all necessary work packages
  • Planning, controlling and successfully completing the project according to the project plan.


Software: Chrome browser.
Hardware: Computer with an Internet connection, working speakers, and microphone.
Prior knowledge: Students should have basic knowledge of system safety and functional safety and its application to automotive engineering in the scope of ISO 26262. At the very least, courses “NIT-FSBA-01: Systems, Functions and Safety”, “NIT-FSBA-05: Functional Safety Standards in Automotive” and “NIT-FSEA-01: Functional Safety Design in Automotive” should have been completed beforehand.